6 April 2022

Image of E-cigarettes/Vapes - Check out this information!

Parent & Carers! 


We have identified a rise in pupils bringing vapes or electronic cigarettes to school.  Can I please remind everyone, it is illegal to give anyone a vape under the age of 18.  If your child is found to have a vape on their person then it will be confiscated, a telephone call would be made to the parent/carer where they can arrange to collect it from the school office or the vape would be destroyed. We are not able to give the vape back to the pupil. 


Please have a look at this information, as it may help you to explain to your son why it is illegal for under 18s to buy them, and why vapes are not allowed in school.


Check out this information

Ofsted - Outstanding Trauma Perceptive Practice (TPP)Smart School Council CommunityAttachment Aware SchoolNurture Accreditation AwardThe Princes Trust